Paweł Ćwikła, PhD in sociology, researcher in Department of Contemporary Culture Research, Institute of Sociology, University of Silesia.
Research fields: Sociology of literature, Art research, Sociology of knowledge (power of ideology, social creation of reality), History of ideas (social consequences of ideas).
Selected publications: Boksowanie świata. Wizje ładu społecznego na podstawie twórczości Janusza A. Zajdla (2006), „Poznaj Żyda” – Antysemityzm wg Teodora Jeske-Choińskiego (2017); he also published in: „Studia Socjologiczne”, „Przegląd Socjologiczny”, „Kultura i Społeczeństwo”. [16.07.2018]
Monika Gnieciak, M.A. in sociology, University of Silesia, 2001, Katowice, M.A. in science of culture, University of Silesia, 2004, Katowice, PhD in Humanities, University of Silesia, 2007, Katowice. Researcher in Department of Contemporary Culture Research, Institute of Sociology, University of Silesia.
Research fields: urban studies, social space, housing and home space, popular culture, sociology of literature, gender studies.
Selected publications: Co-editor (with Kazimiera Wódz) of Restructuring Class and Gender. Six case studies (Katowice 2012). [16.07.2018]
Kazimiera Wódz, Professor of Sociology, Head of Department of Cultural Studies and Social Work Unit Institute of Sociology, University of Silesia.
Research fields: cultural studies, European studies, urban and regional studies, political sociology, social work and social policy. She was working on several international projects, dealing with different aspects of regional transformations, eg.: grant founded by The Institute of Human Sciences: Social History of Poverty in Central Europe, The Polish Case (Vienna 1997–1999), CIVGOV (2003–2006), 5 FP EU Identity, Diversity and Citizenship in the European Union, grant founded by James Madison Trust (2004–2005), 7 FP, EU: SPHERE (2008–2011).
Selected publications: Prof. Kazimiera Wódz published over 250 articles, edited and co-edited many books and scientific reports. Recent publications: Dimensions of Silesian Identity (with J. Wódz) (Katowice 2006); Negocjowana demokracja (ed.) (Warszawa 2007), Post-communist Transitions: Mapping the Landscapes of Upper Silesia (with K. Łęcki, J. Klimczak-Ziółek, M. Witkowski) in: J. Kirk, S. Contrepois, S. Jefferys (eds.), Changing Work and Community in European Regions (London 2011); of Restructuring Class and Gender. Six case studies (co-editor with M. Gnieciak) (Kraków 2012), Zapomniane miejsca, zapomniani ludzie. Restrukturyzacja ekonomiczna a zmiana kulturowa (ed.) (Katowice 2013); Wojkowickie Laboratorium Rewitalizacji Społecznej – Wojkowice (co-editor with M. Klimek) (Wojkowice 2017). [16.07.2018].